CrowdTruth for Sparse Multiple Choice Tasks: Relation Extraction

In this tutorial, we will apply CrowdTruth metrics to a sparse multiple choice crowdsourcing task for Relation Extraction from sentences. The workers were asked to read a sentence with 2 highlighted terms, then pick from a multiple choice list what are the relations expressed between the 2 terms in the sentence. The options available in the multiple choice list change with the input sentence. The task was executed on FigureEight. For more crowdsourcing annotation task examples, click here.

To replicate this experiment, the code used to design and implement this crowdsourcing annotation template is available here: template, css, javascript.

This is a screenshot of the task as it appeared to workers:

A sample dataset for this task is available in this file, containing raw output from the crowd on FigureEight. Download the file and place it in a folder named data that has the same root as this notebook. Now you can check your data:

In [1]:
import pandas as pd

test_data = pd.read_csv("../data/relex-sparse-multiple-choice.csv")

_unit_id _created_at _id _started_at _tainted _channel _trust _worker_id _country _region ... term1 b1 e1 b2 term2 e2 sent_id sentence input_relations output_relations
0 897534786 3/24/2016 17:57:02 1933498788 3/24/2016 17:56:23 False prodege 0.9724 3587109 NaN NaN ... Karim Benzema 6 8 3 Lyon 4 UAD-A-1535 On Wednesday , Lyon led through Karim Benzema ... employee_or_member_of top_member_employee_of_o... top_member_employee_of_org
1 897534786 3/24/2016 18:05:23 1933504209 3/24/2016 18:05:01 False clixsense 0.9667 21665495 NaN NaN ... Karim Benzema 6 8 3 Lyon 4 UAD-A-1535 On Wednesday , Lyon led through Karim Benzema ... employee_or_member_of top_member_employee_of_o... place_of_death
2 897534786 3/24/2016 18:07:31 1933505542 3/24/2016 18:04:46 False neodev 0.9443 33110177 NaN NaN ... Karim Benzema 6 8 3 Lyon 4 UAD-A-1535 On Wednesday , Lyon led through Karim Benzema ... employee_or_member_of top_member_employee_of_o... employee_or_member_of
3 897534786 3/24/2016 19:02:00 1933542791 3/24/2016 18:58:54 False neodev 0.9417 16854635 NaN NaN ... Karim Benzema 6 8 3 Lyon 4 UAD-A-1535 On Wednesday , Lyon led through Karim Benzema ... employee_or_member_of top_member_employee_of_o... NONE
4 897534786 3/24/2016 19:31:55 1933572756 3/24/2016 19:30:21 False clixsense 0.9543 6344072 NaN NaN ... Karim Benzema 6 8 3 Lyon 4 UAD-A-1535 On Wednesday , Lyon led through Karim Benzema ... employee_or_member_of top_member_employee_of_o... employee_or_member_of

5 rows × 22 columns

Declaring a pre-processing configuration

The pre-processing configuration defines how to interpret the raw crowdsourcing input. To do this, we need to define a configuration class. First, we import the default CrowdTruth configuration class:

In [2]:
import crowdtruth
from crowdtruth.configuration import DefaultConfig

Our test class inherits the default configuration DefaultConfig, while also declaring some additional attributes that are specific to the Relation Extraction task:

  • inputColumns: list of input columns from the .csv file with the input data
  • outputColumns: list of output columns from the .csv file with the answers from the workers
  • annotation_separator: string that separates between the crowd annotations in outputColumns
  • open_ended_task: boolean variable defining whether the task is open-ended (i.e. the possible crowd annotations are not known beforehand, like in the case of free text input); in the task that we are processing, workers pick the answers from a pre-defined list, therefore the task is not open ended, and this variable is set to False
  • annotation_vector: list of possible crowd answers, mandatory to declare when open_ended_task is False; for our task, this is the list of all relations that were given as input to the crowd in at least one sentence
  • processJudgments: method that defines processing of the raw crowd data; for this task, we process the crowd answers to correspond to the values in annotation_vector

The complete configuration class is declared below:

In [3]:
class TestConfig(DefaultConfig):
    inputColumns = ["sent_id", "term1", "b1", "e1", "term2", "b2", "e2", "sentence", "input_relations"]
    outputColumns = ["output_relations"]
    annotation_separator = "\n"
    # processing of a closed task
    open_ended_task = False
    annotation_vector = [
        "title", "founded_org", "place_of_birth", "children", "cause_of_death",
        "top_member_employee_of_org", "employee_or_member_of", "spouse",
        "alternate_names", "subsidiaries", "place_of_death", "schools_attended",
        "place_of_headquarters", "charges", "origin", "places_of_residence",
    def processJudgments(self, judgments):
        # pre-process output to match the values in annotation_vector
        for col in self.outputColumns:
            # transform to lowercase
            judgments[col] = judgments[col].apply(lambda x: str(x).lower())
        return judgments

Pre-processing the input data

After declaring the configuration of our input file, we are ready to pre-process the crowd data:

In [4]:
data, config = crowdtruth.load(
    file = "../data/relex-sparse-multiple-choice.csv",
    config = TestConfig()


output.output_relations output.output_relations.count output.output_relations.unique submitted started worker unit duration job
1933498788 {u'top_member_employee_of_org': 1, u'title': 0... 1 17 2016-03-24 17:57:02 2016-03-24 17:56:23 3587109 897534786 39 ../data/relex-sparse-multiple-choice
1933504209 {u'place_of_death': 1, u'title': 0, u'founded_... 1 17 2016-03-24 18:05:23 2016-03-24 18:05:01 21665495 897534786 22 ../data/relex-sparse-multiple-choice
1933505542 {u'employee_or_member_of': 1, u'title': 0, u'f... 1 17 2016-03-24 18:07:31 2016-03-24 18:04:46 33110177 897534786 165 ../data/relex-sparse-multiple-choice
1933542791 {u'none': 1, u'title': 0, u'founded_org': 0, u... 1 17 2016-03-24 19:02:00 2016-03-24 18:58:54 16854635 897534786 186 ../data/relex-sparse-multiple-choice
1933572756 {u'employee_or_member_of': 1, u'title': 0, u'f... 1 17 2016-03-24 19:31:55 2016-03-24 19:30:21 6344072 897534786 94 ../data/relex-sparse-multiple-choice

Computing the CrowdTruth metrics

The pre-processed data can then be used to calculate the CrowdTruth metrics:

In [5]:
results =, config)

results is a dict object that contains the quality metrics for sentences, relations and crowd workers.

The sentence metrics are stored in results["units"]:

In [6]:

duration input.b1 input.b2 input.e1 input.e2 input.input_relations input.sent_id input.sentence input.term1 input.term2 job output.output_relations output.output_relations.annotations output.output_relations.unique_annotations worker uqs unit_annotation_score uqs_initial unit_annotation_score_initial
897534786 140.800000 6 3 8 4 employee_or_member_of top_member_employee_of_o... UAD-A-1535 On Wednesday , Lyon led through Karim Benzema ... Karim Benzema Lyon ../data/relex-sparse-multiple-choice {u'origin': 0, u'none': 5, u'spouse': 0, u'tit... 16 5 15 0.338982 {u'origin': 0.0, u'none': 0.284653188515, u'su... 0.285236 {u'origin': 0.0, u'none': 0.333333333333, u'su...
897534787 48.533333 23 30 25 32 top_member_employee_of_org employee_or_member_... UAD-A-2322 `` We have all this library content , and we '... Jeff Zucker NBC Universal ../data/relex-sparse-multiple-choice {u'origin': 0, u'cause_of_death': 0, u'subsidi... 19 2 15 0.956508 {u'origin': 0.0, u'cause_of_death': 0.0, u'spo... 0.877264 {u'origin': 0.0, u'cause_of_death': 0.0, u'spo...
897534788 190.933333 0 14 2 17 places_of_residence origin subsidiaries cause_... UAD-A-0024 Addie Wagenknecht ( born Portland , Oregon ) i... Addie Wagenknecht New York City ../data/relex-sparse-multiple-choice {u'origin': 1, u'cause_of_death': 0, u'subsidi... 16 2 15 0.983052 {u'origin': 0.0682240976102, u'cause_of_death'... 0.960948 {u'origin': 0.0666666666667, u'cause_of_death'...
897534789 51.800000 2 0 4 1 top_member_employee_of_org employee_or_member_... UAD-A-2211 Toyota President Katsuaki Watanabe said Thursd... Katsuaki Watanabe Toyota ../data/relex-sparse-multiple-choice {u'origin': 0, u'cause_of_death': 1, u'subsidi... 19 4 15 0.922168 {u'origin': 0.0, u'cause_of_death': 0.01837446... 0.662288 {u'origin': 0.0, u'cause_of_death': 0.06666666...
897534790 128.600000 0 23 2 26 places_of_residence place_of_birth origin top_... UAD-A-0115 Andrea Bargnani , nicknamed `` Il Mago '' ( tr... Andrea Bargnani Rome , Italy ../data/relex-sparse-multiple-choice {u'origin': 6, u'cause_of_death': 0, u'subsidi... 21 3 15 0.625736 {u'origin': 0.368788829677, u'cause_of_death':... 0.516149 {u'origin': 0.4, u'cause_of_death': 0.0, u'spo...

The uqs column in results["units"] contains the sentence quality scores, capturing the overall workers agreement over each sentence. Here we plot its histogram:

In [7]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

plt.xlabel("Sentence Quality Score")


The unit_annotation_score column in results["units"] contains the sentence-relation scores, capturing the likelihood that a relation is expressed in a sentence. For each sentence, we store a dictionary mapping each relation to its sentence-relation score.

In [8]:

897534786    {u'origin': 0.0, u'none': 0.284653188515, u'su...
897534787    {u'origin': 0.0, u'cause_of_death': 0.0, u'spo...
897534788    {u'origin': 0.0682240976102, u'cause_of_death'...
897534789    {u'origin': 0.0, u'cause_of_death': 0.01837446...
897534790    {u'origin': 0.368788829677, u'cause_of_death':...
897534791    {u'origin': 0.336839775711, u'cause_of_death':...
897534792    {u'origin': 0.137244254252, u'cause_of_death':...
897534793    {u'origin': 0.00423979229263, u'none': 0.97627...
897534794    {u'origin': 0.0812306534817, u'none': 0.052716...
897534795    {u'origin': 0.000757014504229, u'cause_of_deat...
Name: unit_annotation_score, dtype: object

The worker metrics are stored in results["workers"]:

In [9]:

duration job judgment unit wqs wwa wsa wqs_initial wwa_initial wsa_initial
3587109 25.333333 1 3 3 0.501284 0.682185 7.348208e-01 0.216892 0.428170 0.506556
4316379 30.000000 1 1 1 0.962213 0.970964 9.909865e-01 0.881060 0.916316 0.961524
4688131 136.000000 1 1 1 0.973723 0.973766 9.999561e-01 0.733078 0.785714 0.933008
4711962 35.000000 1 1 1 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000e-08 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
6336109 122.000000 1 1 1 0.973723 0.973766 9.999561e-01 0.733078 0.785714 0.933008

The wqs columns in results["workers"] contains the worker quality scores, capturing the overall agreement between one worker and all the other workers.

In [10]:
plt.xlabel("Worker Quality Score")


The relation metrics are stored in results["annotations"]. The aqs column contains the relation quality scores, capturing the overall worker agreement over one relation.

In [11]:

output.output_relations aqs aqs_initial
alternate_names 150 1.000000e-08 1.000000e-08
cause_of_death 150 1.000000e-08 1.000000e-08
charges 150 1.000000e-08 1.000000e-08
children 150 1.000000e-08 1.000000e-08
employee_or_member_of 150 2.481372e-01 2.492401e-01
founded_org 150 1.000000e-08 1.000000e-08
none 150 8.383719e-01 6.056911e-01
origin 150 2.340059e-01 2.371795e-01
place_of_birth 150 6.943889e-01 5.794393e-01
place_of_death 150 3.706113e-03 1.071429e-01
place_of_headquarters 150 1.584687e-01 9.523810e-02
places_of_residence 150 7.787079e-01 6.767554e-01
schools_attended 150 1.000000e-08 1.000000e-08
spouse 150 1.000000e-08 1.000000e-08
subsidiaries 150 1.000000e-08 1.000000e-08
title 150 1.000000e-08 1.000000e-08
top_member_employee_of_org 150 9.444763e-01 7.951334e-01